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Money Poem – Poems About Money

by William Henry Davies

When I had money, money, O!
I knew no joy till I went poor;
For many a false man as a friend
Came knocking all day at my door.
Then felt I like a child that holds
A trumpet that he must not blow
Because a man is dead; I dared
Not speak to let this false world know.
Much have I thought of life, and seen
How poor men’s hearts are ever light;
And how their wives do hum like bees
About their work from morn till night.
So, when I hear these poor ones laugh,
And see the rich ones coldly frown—
Poor men, think I, need not go up
So much as rich men should come down.
When I had money, money, O!
My many friends proved all untrue;
But now I have no money, O!
My friends are real, though very few.


by Dana Gioia

Money is a kind of poetry.
– Wallace Stevens
Money, the long green,
cash, stash, rhino, jack
or just plain dough.
Chock it up, fork it over,
shell it out. Watch it
burn holes through pockets.
To be made of it! To have it
to burn! Greenbacks, double eagles,
megabucks and Ginnie Maes.
It greases the palm, feathers a nest,
holds heads above water,
makes both ends meet.
Money breeds money.
Gathering interest, compounding daily.
Always in circulation.
Money. You don’t know where it’s been,
but you put it where your mouth is.
And it talks.


The Money Tree
by C.J. Heck

I dreamed I grew a money tree
outside in my yard.
My job was to care for it
and I worked very hard.
I saw that it was watered.
It grew so straight and tall
and when the money ripened
I picked it in the fall.
The flowers were green dollar bills,
the seeds inside were coins,
and others grew and glittered
where all the branches joined.
On windy days I stood below
and held a great big bucket.
Other days I climbed right up
to find one ripe and pluck it.
People say that money
doesn’t really grow on trees.
I know. I only wish it did
just like in my dreams.


Velocity Of Money
by Allen Ginsberg

I’m delighted by the velocity of money as it whistles through the windows
of Lower East Side
Delighted by skyscrapers rising the old grungy apartments falling on
84th Street
Delighted by inflation that drives me out on the street
After all what good’s the family farm, why eat turkey by thousands every
Why not have Star Wars? Why have the same old America?!?
George Washington wasn’t good enough! Tom Paine pain in the neck,
Whitman what a jerk!
I’m delighted by double digit interest rates in the Capitalist world
I always was a communist, now we’ll win
an usury makes the walls thinner, books thicker & dumber
Usury makes my poetry more valuable
my manuscripts worth their weight in useless gold –
Now everybody’s atheist like me, nothing’s sacred
buy and sell your grandmother, eat up old age homes,
Peddle babies on the street, pretty boys for sale on Times Square –
You can shoot heroin, I can sniff cocaine,
macho men can fite on the Nicaraguan border and get paid with paper!
The velocity’s what counts as the National Debt gets higher
Everybody running after the rising dollar
Crowds of joggers down broadway past City Hall on the way to the Fed
Nobody reads Dostoyevsky books so they’ll have to give a passing ear
to my fragmented ravings in between President’s speeches
Nothing’s happening but the collapse of the Economy
so I can go back to sleep till the landlord wins his eviction suit in court.


All About Money
by Samanyan Lakshminarayanan

Nothing comes
everything is tagged
excepting life…strange
life given to us not tagged
the days and nights given
are not tagged even
even then….
day in and day out
i am all out
searching ways and means
to make my money…
i do not pay any money
for the sun and breeze
god in nature an absolute giver
praying for wealth and prosperity
praying for money…money..and more money…to god
i feel will get us not even a penny
when you send your kid on a trip away
you will give him money to spend on the way
we were sent here without a penny
when i return as dead stock one day
worldly wise kith and kin of my
send me with a penny on my forehead
just a penny?
is that what i was worth…or
is that the way fare to hell or heaven
just a penny?

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