Author: Alex Sandell
Five days from sober,
I wish I could feel like the rest of you.
Five days from sober,
I’m tired of soaking myself in this excuse.
I’d take my last sip if they weren’t cutting the rainforests down.
I’d take my last sip if they weren’t combining Church and State.
I’d take my last sip if they weren’t telling us it’s un-American to conserve.
I’d take my last sip if they weren’t still touting the “benefits” of the WTO.
I’d take my last sip if they weren’t selling monopolies at bargain basement prices.
I’d take my last sip if they weren’t ignoring the homeless.
I’d take my last sip if they weren’t denying the fact that Capital Punishment doesn’t work.
I’d take my last sip if they weren’t taking medical marijuana away from the sick.
I’d take my last sip if they weren’t carrying on with this foolish drug war.
I’d take my last sip if they weren’t letting multi-national corporations homogenize culture after culture.
I’d take my last sip if they weren’t denying equal rights to homosexuals.
I’d take my last sip if they weren’t using prisons to keep the blacks slaves.
I’d take my last sip if they weren’t cutting taxes for the rich.
I’d take my last sip if they weren’t lowering minimum wage for the poor.
I’d take my last sip if they weren’t blaming all the violence on TV.
I’d take my last sip if they weren’t still using “tree-hugger” and “bleeding-heart” as an insult.
I’d take my last sip if they weren’t still claiming that socialized medicine is a bad thing.
I’d take my last sip if they weren’t drilling in wildlife preserves.
I’d take my last sip if they weren’t killing the planet for your SUV.
I can’t stay sober for “four more years.”
I can’t stay sober through all this “compassion.”
I can’t stay sober through all this “unity.”
I can’t stay sober when this “reformer” gets his results.
I can’t stay sober when they take the war into the sky.
I can’t stay sober knowing that Chicken Little was right.
Five days from sober,
I don’t think I’ll ever go back.
Five days from sober,
I know there’s nothing left.