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Heavenly Remembrance: Poems for Mom and Dad

Forever in Our Hearts: Poems for Mom and Dad Watching from Above

Welcome to 1LovePoems, where we celebrate the love and memories of our dear parents who have gone to be with the angels above. You will find a range of touching and heartfelt poems here, each one dedicated to our beloved mom and dad. From tear-jerking tributes to light-hearted rhymes, our collection has it all. So, take a deep breath, hold back those tears, and enjoy the loving memories of your parents with us. Let’s get started!

Short Poems

1. “Missing You Both”
My heart aches with sadness
As I long for your embrace
You both are dearly missed
In this earthly space

2. “Forever in Our Hearts”
Though you are no longer here
Your love lives on in our hearts
Memories of moments shared
Never will we be apart

3. “Guiding Light”
Your love remains a beacon
Guiding us through dark times
We draw strength from your memory
And your spirit that forever shines

4. “Until We Meet Again”
Though we may be separated
By the distance of heaven above
Our love remains unbroken
Until we meet again, Mom and Dad, we send our love.

Medium Poems

1. “To Mom in Heaven”
My dearest mom, now up above,
I send my words and all my love.
Though we are now apart in space,
My memories of you cannot be erased.

I miss your touch, your laugh, your smile,
Your strength that carried me for miles.
You taught me well, you showed me right,
And kept me grounded with your light.

You may be gone, but never forgotten,
For all that you’ve left cannot be rotten.
I hope you hear my words so true,
That I love you, mom, forever and anew.

2. “To Dad in the Great Beyond”
My mighty dad, who’s no longer here,
Your legacy is forever near.
You gave me love, you gave me hope,
And taught me ways to help me cope.

I miss your voice, your hugs, your care,
Your guidance that kept me fair.
Your wisdom lives on in me,
In every thought, in every decree.

You may have left this earthly plane,
But your memory forever will remain.
I honor you with my every breath,
And hope someday we meet in death.

Long Poems

Missing You Both

I sit here in silence, staring at the stars above
Remembering the times we shared, the laughter and the love
But now you’re both gone, gone to that place above
And I miss you deeply, every day, every hour, every dove

Mom, you were my light, my strength, my guide
You taught me how to live, how to love, how to glide
You were always there for me, through thick and thin
And I’m grateful for all the memories we’ve been in

Dad, you were my hero, my champion, my rock
You taught me how to be brave, how to stand, how to talk
You were always there for me, through highs and lows
And I’m grateful for all the lessons you showed

But now you’re both gone, gone to that place above
And I miss you deeply, every day, every hour, every dove
I wish I could hold you, kiss you, and say how much I care
But all I can do is send my love, my prayers, my stare

I know you’re both watching over me from above
And I take comfort in knowing you’re reunited in love
But still, I miss you deeply, every day, every hour, every dove
Until we meet again, I’ll keep sending my love.

Forever in Our Hearts

Mom and Dad, you left us too soon
Our world is dim without your light
Each day we miss you more and more
We long to hug you, hold you tight

The memories we have of you
Are powerful, beautiful, strong
A testament to the love you gave
A love that will forever belong

To us, your children, your legacy
We feel your presence everywhere
In every breath we take, every step we make
Your love and spirit we cherish and share

We often think about the days
When you were still here with us
The laughter, the joy, the love we shared
The memories that never rust

Your sacrifices, your selflessness
Your wisdom, your guidance, your care
Are etched in our hearts, forevermore
A love that we cannot compare

Mom and Dad, you are missed so much
Our hearts ache with every passing day
But we find comfort in knowing
That you are now in a beautiful way

Together, in heaven, watching over us
Guiding us as we walk this path
Your love is eternal, unbreakable
A bond that nothing can surpass

And so we say goodbye for now
But we know that we’ll soon meet again
Until then, we’ll remember and honor you
Forever in our hearts, forever as friends.

Mom and Dad, we love you!

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