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Date Ideas – The only list you’ll need to find the perfect date idea, Best Ideas for Second Dates

Dating ideas and tips to improve your date success.


Visit the zoo

See an aquarium

Go to a play

Visit an art gallery

Play board games

Go to a drive-in movie

Go to a car show

Go see fireworks

Go to a movie

Go to an ice skating show

Go to a concert

Visit garage sales

Go to an air show

Play card games

Make your own video


See a musical

Go to a concert

Go out for a cultural dinner

Visit a children’s hospital

Go to the symphony

Visit each other’s grandparents

Volunteer together

Go camping

Go horseback riding

Go miniature golfing

Go whitewater rafting

Go dancing

Rake leaves & play in them

Play a game of tag


Climb trees together

Take a riverboat cruise

Play broomball

Play kick the can

Ride a ferry or steamboat


Go swimming

Go moped riding

Go to the driving range

Play touch football

Jet ski

Go sledding

Work out together

Build a snowman

Make snow angels

Sunbathe together

Run together in the rain

Play racquetball


Ride go-carts

Beach volleyball

Catch fire flies

Snowball fights

Go for a country drive

Go stargazing

Rent a movie

Have a picnic at home

Look at Christmas lights

Go to a museum

Watch the sunset

Bake cookies together

Do laundry together

Make ice cream

Go for a sunset walk

Cook dinner for each other

Go grocery shopping

Build ice cream sundaes

Color in coloring books

Go to an arcade

Visit a city that is the name of a state

Take a sleigh ride

Go snowmobiling

Play frisbee

Park and star watch

Visit a pet store

Rent a limo for the evening

Walk on the beach at midnight

Roast marshmallows over a campfire

Visit favorite childhood places

Visit shops in a nearby small town

Finger paint

Snuggle up in front of the fireplace

Go to the beach

Visit a city park

Pillow fight

Go kayaking

Walk your dog

Play hide and seek

Go ice skating

Go roller blading

Build models

Pick colorful fall leaves

Go for a moonlit walk

Watch TV together

Decorate a Christmas tree

Feed ducks at a pond

Go on a hay ride


Carve a jack-o-lantern

Watch the sunrise

Go shell searching on the beach

Visit an orchard

Watch little league games

Watch planes take off

See a midnight movie

Go to a wedding together

Look for 4-leaf clovers

Fruit tree picking /orchard

Go window shopping

Read tabloids & laugh together

Thumb wrestle

Puddle jump in the rain

Play tennis

Play volleyball

Hot air balloon ride

Ride a bike built for two

Go water-skiing

Go sailing

Go to a playground

Go to the horse races

Go to an amusement park

Play laser tag

Learn to rock climb

Go bowling

Play basketball (1 on 1)

Cook out

Visit caves

Fly a kite

Give each other backrubs

Take a helicopter ride

Go deep sea fishing

Go scuba diving

Go on a hayride

Walk through a mall

Have a small party

Go to church together

Go to a boating show/race

Take a hobby class

Visit a haunted house

Go to a circus

Go out for coffee

Visit a flea market

Cruise in a convertible

Go to an all you can eat buffet

Go to a ballet

Play bingo

Help at a soup kitchen

Go to an opera

Go to a bookstore

Visit another city

Go hear jazz or reggae

Visit a nursing home

Do yard work

Have shaving cream fight


Go Snowboarding

Go Skiing

Listen to music

Go snorkelling

Go to a football game

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