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Love Poems For Her


Have you been going around in circles lately and you can’t seem to find the words to write what’s inside your mind and heart?

Yes, it could be difficult to compose a poem or a written piece, especially if you don’t know how or where to start. Let alone be confused with how you really feel.

Take time to think and breathe — consider the things that inspire you and gather your thoughts. It is only then that words will come trickling down your mind.

Checkout our love poem collection at 1Love Poems to keep your inspiration coming and the right words flowing.

Author: Kevin Lam

I don’t know how many sweet words I have conjured into your mind,
But, tell me, do you remember them all?
Relentless of what you do everyday.
Do all the words remain intact within your mind?
Does it please you when you are unpleased?
And does it intrigue you when you are unreleaved?
I don’t know how many words I have conspired within a given line,
But, tell me, have you learned them all?
Regardless of what is written,
Do all the words rhyme within the given line?
Does it inform you when you are uninformed?
And does it excite you when you are forlorned?
I don’t know how many words
I have said that I can say is mine,
But, tell me, have you heard them all?
Needless of all that have been said,
Do all the words I bestow upon you signal some sort of sign?
Does it merry you when you are sad?
And does it lecture you when you are bad?
I don’t know about others but I think we are just fine,
But, tell me, have you told them all?
Heedless of what we do,
Do you know that I am happy just because you are my Valentine?
Does it delight you that I belong to only you?
And does it move you that my love for you is forever true?

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