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Personification Poems – Examples Of Poems With Personification

In simple terms, personification is attributing human-like qualities to things, events, occurrences, or beings that are not human. A great example is William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18: Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? In this sonnet, he describes a summer day as having a “gold complexion” – just like a human. We use personification in our daily lives, but poetry is where it comes to life the most. Take a look at some of the best examples of personification poetry.

Violin – A Personification
by Elaine George

She sleeps in her rose wood bed,
under a blanket of velvet red;
old and alone and forgotten,
she dreams of the love she once had.
Once again she recalls his caress
on the curve of her hips
and her breast
as he moved his bow
on the strings of her soul,
playing her sound
‘til his passion was spent.
They traveled the whole world over,
to every city and town;
the maestro, his bow and violin,
bringing each curtain down.
He died in a cry of sweet refrain,
clutching her strings to his heart;
as he fell to the floor in a final encore,
tearing her world apart.
So she sleeps in her rose wood bed,
under a blanket of velvet red;
her strings still filled
with the song of her soul,
etched by the maestro
that loved her
so long ago!


by Crimson Love


Thus much I deem to know,
My visions of us, In my dreams they dost show,
agonizing distorted words cut upon my flesh,
Severe yet unseen, my wounds shant show,
Melencholic tunes my wounds dos’t sing,
But sadly this tune should not have been sung,
A mindless eternity, this song hath rung,
Joyless accomanied with flecks of pain,
Painted upon this Crimson Canvas,
Blood filled, this canvas of crimson,
With the personification of the name I dos’t turn to blood.


Imagery And Personificatio
by Dillip K Swain


Imagery and personification
Are greatly found
In the poems of
Accomplished poets!
Imagery is the
Plural form of image
That we can feel through
Five senses!
Each image
Can be personified
Personification animates


Personification Of Heartache
by The Poet Darkling


Laying here alone and lonely
My eyes are closed but I’m not sleeping
A cold wind blows through lace curtains
Out in the moonlight heartache’s creeping
A footstep, a rustle of leaves
I clutch my pillow ever so tight
Under my window I hear him
He stalks me in the shadow of night
He is never far behind me
Been following me for years and years
Searching for a way to my heart
He’s the voice of regret in my ears
He looks for cracks in my fortress
Whispering, he plays tricks with my mind
He knows of all my weaknesses
He’s both Lucifer and God combined
It is a game of cat and mouse
But I’ve been watching him and I’ve learned
He survives by one’s suffering
And if there’s no fire, I can’t be burned
So I sleep with one eye open
I can’t allow love to get inside
For a heart without love can’t break
In a loveless heart he can’t reside
A cold wind blows through lace curtains
Out in the moonlight heartache’s creeping …
Laying here alone and lonely
My eyes are closed but I’m not sleeping

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