My love and heart, it chose you and it will choose you every single day. Love is not just a simple feeling, it is also a decision to choose one person to be with and face both the ups and downs of life.
If I am to fall in love, it would still be you. Yes, I will choose you and no one else. My heart always knew that it will only beat for you.
If I am to give away my heart, I will choose you. To spend forever and more other lifetimes with. For eternity, it would be you.
All these words, from my heart and from our collection of love poems here at 1Love Poems, I will give to you because I love you for forever.
Author: Ed Walter
If I were to fall in love,
It would have to be with you.
Your eyes, your smile,
The way you laugh,
The things you say and do.
Take me to the places,
My heart never knew.
So, if I were to fall in love,
It would have to be with you.
If I were to give my heart,
It would have to be to you,
For you bring things into my life,
So beautiful and new.
Love, so soft and warm beside me,
That I know it’s true,
If I were to give my heart,
It would have to be to you.
I was looking for an answer.
I was looking for a way.
To keep the magic that you bring,
To each and every day.
To live our lives together,
As only lovers do.
It started with a feeling,
And every day it grew,
So, when I knew I was in love,
It had to be with you.