Experience the Magic of Dr. Seuss with These Fun and Whimsical Poems for Kids!
Looking for some fun and whimsical poems to read with your little ones? Look no further than Dr. Seuss! From the classic “Green Eggs and Ham” to the lesser-known “Oh, the Thinks You Can Think!”, Dr. Seuss has a poem for every mood and occasion.
On this page, you’ll find a range of Dr. Seuss poems for kids of all ages. Whether you’re looking for something silly and nonsensical or a heartfelt message about the importance of individuality, there’s sure to be a poem here that fits the bill.
So sit back, relax, and let the imagination of Dr. Seuss take you and your children on a wild and wonderful poetic journey!
Short Poems
1. “Green Eggs and Ham”
I do not like them, Sam-I-Am
I do not like green eggs and ham
I do not like them in a box
I do not like them with a fox
I do not like them here or there
I do not like them anywhere
2. “The Cat in the Hat”
The sun did not shine
It was too wet to play
So we sat in the house
All that cold, cold, wet day
I sat there with Sally
We sat there, we two
And I said, “How I wish
We had something to do!”
3. “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!”
You have brains in your head
You have feet in your shoes
You can steer yourself
Any direction you choose
You’re on your own
And you know what you know
And you are the guy
Who’ll decide where to go
4. “One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish”
One fish, two fish,
Red fish, blue fish,
Black fish, blue fish,
Old fish, new fish.
This one has a little star.
This one has a little car.
Say! What a lot of fish there are.
Medium Poems
The Cat in the Hat comes Back
The snow was so deep,
cold and white,
the Cat in the Hat
shivered with fright!
But he soon came up
with a plan so grand,
to clean up the snow
in all of the land.
With a broom and a shovel
and a lot of hard work,
the Cat in the Hat
got the snow on the fritz!
He smiled with glee
as he looked out with pride,
at the clean and clear world
he had just helped to provide.
So if you see the Cat
in his hat and his gloves,
just remember his mission:
to spread joy and love.
Green Eggs and Ham
I do not like them, Sam I am,
green eggs and ham, it seems so crass!
But Sam convinced me, don’t you see,
with his silly rhymes and silly sass.
He said “Try them, try them, here or there,
try them anywhere, even in the square!”
I still hesitated, still unsure,
but Sam was persistent, that’s for sure.
With a smile and a wink, he said with glee,
You’ll love them, you’ll see, just wait and see!
So I took a bite, and to my surprise,
the green eggs and ham were actually very nice!
And now every time I pass Sam I am,
I smile and say “Thanks for that green eggs and ham!”
Long Poems
The Great Seussian Adventure
Come one, come all, to the Seussian land,
Where the trees have trunks made of caramel and sand.
The creatures here are quite bizarre,
Some run on two feet, some hop in a jar.
The Whos of Whoville live hereabouts,
Their voices so high they’ll make you shout.
And then there’s the Cat in the Hat,
With his mischievous grin and his funny fat.
If you walk down the road a bit,
You’ll see Horton the elephant with his big kit.
He’ll tell you of his adventures so grand,
Of the tiny speck that he holds in his hand.
The Grinch stays up in his little town,
But he’s not mean, so why do we frown?
He’ll teach you to love instead of to hate,
And that a kind act can open the gate.
The Lorax is here, he’s looking so green,
He’ll tell you of the trees and the wonders they’ve seen.
His voice so soft, but his message so strong,
We must care for the land and never do wrong.
Oh the places you’ll go in the Seussian land,
From the beaches of Fizza-ma-wizza to the hills of Gland.
You’ll meet creatures and friends you’ll never forget,
And you’ll have fun, that is a sure bet.
So come one, come all, to the Seussian land,
Where the sky is purple and the grass is quite bland.
You’ll leave with a smile and a heart so bright,
Ready to tackle the world with all of your might.