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Unrefined Edges: Thoughtful Poems About the Complexity of Someone Rough

In a world full of soft whispers and gentle caresses, there exists a rare breed – someone who is rough. They carry themselves with a rugged exterior, but underneath lies a heart of gold. Their words may be sharp, but their actions speak volumes of their loyalty and commitment.

Explore the complexities of someone who is rough through the lens of poetry. Dive into verses that capture their raw strength and unwavering courage. Feel the intensity of their presence and the depth of their emotions with each line you read.

Discover the beauty in the roughness, the power in vulnerability, and the authenticity in their unapologetic nature. Allow these poems to take you on a journey through the turbulent waters of a soul that is both fierce and tender.

Read more poems about people with different personalities and traits:
Poems about someone who is gentle
Poems about someone who is kind
Poems about someone who is tender

Rough Heart
Your roughness, a shadow on your face,
A secret held, in every place.
In your harshness, I see the truth,
A heart that’s lost, a wasted youth.

Your roughness, a burden you bear,
A shadow that follows, everywhere.
In your eyes, I see the pain,
A heart that’s lost, in the rain.

Your roughness, a constant plight,
A shadow that haunts, day and night.
In your harshness, I see the cost,
A heart that’s lost, forever lost.

Rough Ways
Your roughness, a hardened light,
In your touch, no delight.
Every act, a harsh stream,
In your presence, no peaceful dream.
Your rough ways, a guiding star,
In your touch, we wander far.
Thank you for the lessons taught,
In your roughness, understanding’s sought.
With your harshness, I see the truth,
In your rough ways, proof.

Harsh Heart
Your roughness, a shadowed path,
In your touch, a hidden wrath.
Every act, a harsh beam,
In your presence, no peaceful dream.
Hoping you find calm one day,
And let your harshness sway.
Thank you for the clarity found,
In your roughness, my truth is bound.

Rough Edges
In the harshness of your ways,
Lies a world of rugged days.
Each word you speak, each thought you hold,
Reflects a heart, bold.
Your roughness, a shadowed light,
Turns brightness into night.
With every move, every cheer,
You show a heart, sincere.
In your ruggedness, life does sing,
A melody of everything.
Forever rough, forever true,
In your spirit, life renews.

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