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Valentines Day Poems For Friendship

Valentine’s day may be more exciting for couples or married people, but for single people, it can be a bummer or stressful. It is important that you remember that Valentine’s day is a day for all kinds of love, not just romantic love. Whether you are in a romantic relationship or not, celebrate Valentine’s day with the people you truly care about. Spend this day with your friends who understand and care for you just as much as you care for them. There is nothing like the affinity, affection, and love in friendships and that is worth celebrating Valentine’s day.

Browse through our collection of poems at 1Love Poems for your next writing inspirations and ideas, and have your readers talking about the themes that you love.

A Friend Is Like A Valentine – By Joanna Fuchs

A friend is like a Valentine,
Heartwarming, bringing pleasure,
Connected to good feelings,
With memories to treasure.
Seeing a special Valentine
Brings happiness to stay,
And that is what you do, friend,
You brighten every day!

My Valentine Friend – By Joanna Fuchs

Valentine’s Day reminds me
how meaningful my feelings are for you.
You have a special place in my world
that no one else could fill.
Out of your overflowing heart,
you add color and light to my life.
You continually cross my mind,
like a precious dose of sunshine,
lighting me up inside–
as I think of you
and the lasting memories
we have created together.
No Valentine gift
is as precious to me
as you are,
my Valentine friend.

Feel-Good Valentine – By Joanna Fuchs

Valentine, I feel so good
Each time that we’re together.
We’re similar souls in harmony,
Birds of a kindred feather.
Our hearts sing to the same sweet tune;
Our compatible minds align;
Could you, would you, pretty please,
Be my Valentine?

Friend Valentine Poem 1 – By Karl Fuchs
People come and people go,
In and out of your life and so,
When one shines bright among the rest,
And is there when needed, you’re truly blessed.
That is how I see you, friend of mine,
And why I’m sending this Valentine.

Valentine Friend – By Joanna Fuchs

A Valentine friend is someone you choose
To share your life with you,
Someone who is always there,
Whether you’re happy or blue.
With a Valentine friend, you can be yourself
You don’t need to pretend;
When you’re careful to choose a compatible match,
You create a perfect blend.
With you for my special Valentine friend,
My life is full and bright;
You bring contentment, joy and peace;
You’re my Valentine delight!


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