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Soulmate Poems

My Dearest Soulmate – Poem by emo girl


I will never forget you my dearest soulmate..
these old memories will never fade…
you’ve always laid me in your shade…
whenever I trembled or felt afraid….
and raised me up when I failed..
you’ve taught me how to overcome the sadness
and put and end to all that hate….
Do you remember all the games that we’ve played? ….
all the moments we have shared….
the unfolded visions we used to paint…
and even when it rained
our eyes have always met and blazed…….
to challenge all the eyebrows that were raised……..
and the promise you have made
to stick with me in any country or far away state….
tell me how can I have the will to evade
all the dreams that we’ve always shared? …….
But now I’m sooooo faint………..
falling apart behind you like a pale lifless blade…….
cause am being always chased….
by all the precious moments that we’ve shared…
and my cruise has never sailed…
still there waiting to be saved…
by the eyes who have always claimed…
and reflected the truth that I’m the only girl to be praised…
so please reach out for me and offer some aid…
to a heart broken girl who has always prayed….
to be blessed with the fate…
of seeing you once again before it gets too late……
my dearest soulmate……….


Soulmate – Poem by adheez van der beanthz


when I slept
I found your shadow in the verses
translated a whole alphabets
from the beats of soul that tempestuous
then I dreamed
we talked to the heart
interpreted a bunch of emotions
amongst the poem petals
when I woke up
your shadow lost in somewhere
left a form of punctuation
from the love’s rune that i couldn’t guess
in daydream I thought to myself
followed the rhyme that you summarized
in the line of longing, in the row of doubt
split a heart, crossed a time
only to the words I spoke to my mind
fondle hope, kiss love
in every script I entrust prayer
for you soulmate; anywhere


To My Soulmate – Poem by VIPINS PUTHOORAN


O, the shining star of my night
Thou breakest my lonliness
With thy caressing light,
When I bemuse here in darkness.
The distance can ne’er separate us
Tho’ we’ve in life less delights,
But the eternal bridge of light-
Of intimacy, we take flight
To a silent land of peace and love;
Reside in our mind from all above
Where we’ll be twined evermore
By one soul and mind for ever.


Soulmate – Poem by DiVyA GuptA

Moving a step ahead,
I started dreaming about my futuremate! ! ! ,
Would he come 2 me riding on a white horse? ? ? ;
Holding a pair of cindrella’s shoes and a dozen of rose! ! ! 🙂
Bowing down on his knee, how will he propose me! ! ! ! ? ?
Holding my hand on his, putting a ring on it..,
Enchanting those’3’magical words, will he say, oh dear you are mine 4ever! ! ? ?
All of the above said seems as a fairy tale…,
a tale which has a happy ending as well…
O, my little desire listen,
story and reality have a difference,
u know well i think…;
I looked deep into my little heart,
it doesn’t desire much as i thought….;
I don’t wanna be a demanding one,
i simply need an ‘Understanding’ one! ! !
The one who would love me unconditionally,
pamper me, cheer up me, encourage me,
and never hurt me intentionally! ! !
He may not be so Handsome guy,
His HEART should be as big as the sky…;
A man with Bangloo and a car is not needed to me,
The Needful thing is love and care which my heart feels is empty within me! !
My ‘PRINCE CHARMING’ should love me and only me, and never look 4 anyone whatever the situation be..! !
He would feel my Parents as his…..;
Take care of them,
as every Girl Needs..
Evergreen ‘SMILE’ of my Prince Charming would be mine 4ever…,
and Unending Passionate ‘CARE’ of mine would be only his 4ever..! ! ;
oh, my Soulmate where are you? ? ? ? ?
my eyes are finding for only you and you! ! !
come soon please…..,
i am waiting for you……….. 🙂


The Soulmate – Poem by Bisy Untan


First I saw you in that morn
On the bony unknown winter branch
Decked with pearly feathery drops
That glittered in the golden light.
Your rusty chest of tiny plumes
Was a fervent flame to snowy doom
In the silent unknown lonely gloom
I called you to my inner room.
Day by day you came and sang
A chorus with your reddish gang
Threw me mirth to dusty light
Where I laid with gloomy eyes.
Once you chirped me in my despair
‘Who cursed you out with weird pooh! ‘
I sensed it out and saw you there
With many a berries in your beak.
She dropped the rubies down and sang
Soothing melodies to my heart
In my soul I bore it long
Still I hear it in my gloom.
I don’t know who guided me
To such a distance to meet you sole
Still I believe some unknown Web
Binds us together in this birth!

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