The body is a wonderful creation that is meant to feel and respond to stimuli. The body’s senses is truly an amazing thing as it could give us both pain and pleasure. Erotica or porn is a depiction of sexual subjects to arouse the audience. The portrayal of sexual fantasies and erotically stimulating content are what make porn a satisfying form of art. It appeals to more than just the eye but the lusts of the soul. Embrace your inner desires and let your artistic side take control of your body. Enjoy what your body and senses have to offer.
Here at 1Love Poems every desire is an art that should be embraced.
Poem by Ramona Thompson
Erotic rewrite of David Cook’s Heroes
As I watch the stars on my computer screen go down in front of me
It reminds me of where I’d really like to be
With you and your twin sister all alone
Fitting me deep inside each of you
Like you were made just for me
Some would say what I dream of is some kind of sick depavity
But ooh, ladies tonight I just need to let you know
I just have to let you both know
I wanna go down
Down to get off
On your double d clouds
All these pornos I watch can come and go
But my attention will still be standing
For you two
Just for you two alone
Got me to rise up
Opened my virgin eyes up
All these pornos I watch can come and go
But my attention will still be standing
Oh yeah, ladies
It will still be standing
You know sometimes my world is just sooo confusing, I don’t care
Not anymore
All I want now is to crawl into your kinky kind of atmosphere
I know you sexy girls can make it all right
Your special brand of erotic sexing is all this man wants to know
I wanna go down
Down to get off
On your double d clouds
All these pornos I watch can come and go
But my attention will still be standing
For you two
Just for you two alone
Got me to rise up
Opened my virgin eyes up
All these pornos I watch can come and go
But my attention will still be standing
I believe that secretly you both really wanna do me
And to my knees make me beg and fall
I believe in what in what my internet experience has taught me
There’s a porno just dying to unleashed in us all
I wanna go down
Down to get off
On your double d clouds
All these pornos I watch can come and go
But my attention will still be standing
For you two
Just for you two alone
Got me to rise up
Opened my virgin eyes up
Dead Porno Stars
Poem by Patti Masterman
They can lie, but never lay,
All bright lights have gone away;
They’re just the money shot
Of yesterday.
Left are pictures in a magazine
Beside the road, some obscene-
Or the stills from movies made-
Their myth of potency, all fade.
Now they’re cold,
Where once were warm,
And no one’s clutched
In rigor’d arms.
They can’t speak
And no one peeks;
Once they were tops-
But now just props.
The Nuts Who Love Poetry Porno
Poem by Ace Of Black Hearts
Why do I attract all the nuts.
Everyone even more crazy then the last.
Ones that try to make love through the phone, and instant messages.
They get upset, when I don’t respond back.
Or say something to the point of I’m not interested.
They throw themselves even more into it.
Like I was rejecting talking to them.
This can go at all night, I’ve seen it.
Poetry porno.
I finally cave because won’t stop until I do.
So I let them have there fun.
Then I tell them to leave alone.
And they wont, they keep coming back and back.
It’s is disturbing to say the least.
Super Hott Porno *look Here*
Poem by Dolf Imfo
I woke up this morning, a regular Sunday
I know it’s time for Church, time to kneel down and pray
I pray for our Country, our Soldiers, our Flags
I pray that Lord Jesus will help cure the fags.
So much evil in the world, so many reasons to pray
Not the least of which is my brother is gay.
Lord strike him down just like in Leviticus
And please cure my slice with the help of a Medicus.
Lord slaughter the Democrats for they know what they did
They sold our country to the unions, and at the lowest bid
They fight to kill babies at the abortionist’s hand
They fight to leave our soldiers stuck in the sand.
Lord slaughter the liberals and their friends the French
Line them up, strike them down, I’ll toss them in a trench.
Lord, I send these prayers to you, knowing you are just
It is in You, free markets, and George Bush I trust.
Poem by Shuntaro Tanikawa
Are those fingers, the ones playing Bach just now,
and these fingers really the same?
This thng of mine, getting long and getting short,
and not resembling a piano at all,
must be called a comical tool;
so how does this conventional thing
and the great Bach, by your soft fingers,
get joined together?
I, myself, have no idea!
Yet, that thing of yours and this of mine,
now the color of the naked heart,
feel so warm, so smooth
in endless surrender much like death,
and when in this transparent blood filled darkness
I unexpectedly seem to meet Bach face to face.
Source: Poemhunter