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Poems For Your Best Friends

Best friends are special friends who know you more than anyone else, often times even more than your parents do. It is a special relationship that could last a lifetime when you take care of each other. Having a best friend means you have a sister or a brother that will always have your back no matter what happens. They are your shoulder to lean on in times of hardships and pain, and they are your biggest fan who will celebrate with you in your victories no matter how small. Cherish your friendships and find the one who is truly the best amongst the rest.

Write your best friend a poem to show your appreciation for them. Find inspirations here at 1Love Poems.

Friendship – Poem by .Pd. is here

Have you ever wondered what friendship is?
Friendship is a strong thread,
Which can never be broken.
Friendship is everlasting,
And can only be destroyed
When death comes by.
Friendship is like a delicate leaf,
Which once destroyed
Can never be got again.
It is a thing which connects,
Two human souls,
With a bond of love.
Friendship is unbreakable,
It strengthens with
Love, affection and care.
It is the greatest GIFT OF GOD FOR MANKIND.

Friendship With Romance! – Poem by Lovina Sylvia Chidi

So you want a piece of my
Rosy, cushy, juicy pie
I’m afraid, without romance on supply
This refined lady is not going to comply
Before into my world
You make your entrance
Remember this lady loves romance
So how about friendship with romance
Maybe you may stand a chance
Send me sweet roses once in a while
Make it your number one style
I need you now, not as a lover
If that is your immediate aim
You’ll be sucked out of my life with a hover
So how about friendship with romance
Now and then, take me out to dance
Hypnotise me, enchant me in a trance
With words and your exquisite rainbow smile
Don’t just tell me, ‘you fancy me’
I’ll buzz these words to you like a bee
Go take a hike by the sea
Till you roast and dry
So you want a taste of my
Rosy, cushy, juicy delicious pie
I’m afraid, without romance on supply
This refined lady is not going to comply
You have no money! That’s no excuse
There are so many different ways to amuse
I love romance
I eat romance
I sleep romance
Send me little sweet notes
Put them in a bottle
Out in the sea to float
I love romance with a passion
Mesmerise me with some imagination
Don’t try pushy or bushy
There is simply no chance without romance
Of the sweet taste
Of my rosy, cushy, juicy delicious pie

Friendship – Poem by christina christina

friendship is love but not in love
friendship is a secret never to be told
friendship is a shoulder to cry on
friendship is not having to say sorry but do
friendship is not judging no matter what
friendship is someone to run too when things are tough
friendship is a hand to hold when things are so rough
friendship is someone to laugh with not at you
freindship is just knowing they are there
my freind is all of these hope you have one just like her…

friendship – Poem by Ray Lucero

When you sail troubled waters
I’m your oaken ship
Where you stand
I’m firmness neath your feet
When you stroll a summer’s day
I’m your umbrella, rain or shine
When you’re unhappy
I’m your circus clown
When you’re afraid
I’m a warm embrace
When you’re joyous
I’m your playmate
When you take ill
I’m a soothing balm
When Heaven calls you home
I shall be a loving archive of your life

From Kahlil Gibran On Friendship – Poem by Michael Shepherd

Your friend is one who answers to your needs:
the field you sow with love, and reap with thanks;
you seek him for your peace, to hear his heart;
and when he’s silent – still his heart you hear:
because, with words or not, you share his joy;
in presence or in absence he is there;
and stronger love may in his absence show:
the beauty of a love that asks for naught.
So tell your friend of all that ebbs and flows,
your best and worst of what fate deals to you:
no thought too great nor light for open minds
who share their pleasures, and their laughter too.
For in the dew of sweet and passing thoughts
each morning’s fresh, for close and constant hearts.

Friendship After Love – Poem by Ella Wheeler Wilcox

After the fierce midsummer all ablaze
Has burned itself to ashes, and expires
In the intensity of its own fires,
There come the mellow, mild, St. Martin days
Crowned with the calm of peace, but sad with haze.
So after Love has led us, till he tires
Of his own throes, and torments, and desires,
Comes large-eyed Friendship: with a restful gaze.
He beckons us to follow, and across
Cool verdant vales we wander free from care.
Is it a touch of frost lies in the air?
Why are we haunted with a sense of loss?
We do not wish the pain back, or the heat;
And yet, and yet, these days are incomplete.

Source: Poemhunter

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