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Beautiful Love Poems

To Someone Special

Author: Femi Escalante

Old memories are coming back to me
They’re making me feel truly happy
Each little memory I treasure dearly
For they are about you,
a person I cherish ever so deeply.
In my sleepless solitude tonight,
I can’t seem to keep you off my mind
I want to hug you with all my might
Oh, what I’d give just to have you
here with me through the night
If it’s wrong to love you,
then I just don’t want to be right.
Life is much better with you around
To my ear, your name is such a sweet sound
I was confused until you, I found
You lifted me up high from the ground.
My world was so lonely without you,
I haven’t noticed the sky’s shade of blue.
Everything seemed ordinary before you
But now that you’re here,
I see the world in a nice different view
And now, all I want to say is Thank You

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