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I am Sorry Poems

An apology does not always come easy. It can be hard to admit that you made a mistake, and it could also be harder to forgive someone. Saying sorry takes a lot of courage and determination to make things right with the person you have wronged. If you are going through a rough patch with someone you love then gather up all the courage to make it right. An apology is not only with words but also with actions and things that could make up for your mistake. Never fear that your apology will not be accepted, but take time for healing.

Find courage here at 1Love Poems while reading through poems of love and forgiveness.

I’M Sorry – Poem by Carissa Thiessen
I’m Sorry,
I’m sorry for the nasty words I said,
I’m sorry for the way it hurt you,
I’m sorry that I didn’t think before I spoke,
I’m Sorry
I’m Sorry,
I’m sorry that I let my emotions get the best of me,
I’m sorry that it almost cost me our friendship,
I’m sorry that things aren’t the way they used to be,
I’m Sorry
I’m Sorry,
I’m sorry that I turned my back on you,
I’m sorry that I didn’t listen to you
I’m sorry that I lashed out, when I was only mad at myself,
I’m Sorry

I’M Sorry – Poem by Heather Jean
i’m sorry if i make you cry,
if you lose that twinkle in your eye.
i’m sorry if i hurt your heart,
but fixing things is a place to start.
i’m sorry for not trusting you,
it’s a big part of love that i’ll try and do.
i’m sorry for letting people get to me,
and thier lies blinding the truth i needed to see.
i’m sorry for closing the door,
i just never felt so hurt before.
i’m sorry for holding it all inside,
and just letting the hours crawl by.
i’m sorry for keeping you,
but i needed to tell you just how sorry i truly am.

‘ I’M Sorry ‘ – Poem by Tanya Woodard
Oh, dear daughter,
I’m sorry that I hurt you,
I’m sorry that I was not there,
I’m sorry for the way things are,
I’m sorry that you didn’t think I cared.
Maybe one day the pain will ease and
being unforgiving will cease, until then
my dear daughter
I’m sorry.

Sorry – Poem by Ronald Stuart Thomas
Dear parents,
I forgive you my life,
Begotten in a drab town,
The intention was good;
Passing the street now,
I see still the remains of sunlight.
It was not the bone buckled;
You gave me enough food
To renew myself.
It was the mind’s weight
Kept me bent, as I grew tall.
It was not your fault.
What should have gone on,
Arrow aimed from a tried bow
At a tried target, has turned back,
Wounding itself
With questions you had not asked.

Sorry I Love You – Poem by Brian Jones
Sorry I love you the way that I do
Sorry for everything I put you through
Sorry, your love I couldnt renew
Sorry our days were just too few
Sorry for all that I did
Sorry, my love was never hid
Sorry that ‘us’ you rid
Sorry I would do whatever you bid
Sorry I still love you
Sorry I am feeling so blue
Sorry I thought our love grew
Sorry you did what you had to
Sorry for my love for you
Sorry we were not true
Sorry we are through
Sorry our love you outgrew

Source: Poemhunter

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