Remember the Savior
In the glow of Christmas lights, where joy and cheer abound,
Let us remember Jesus’ birth, where love and peace are found.
Through all the gifts and festive meals, through laughter’s merry ring,
Don’t forget the humble child, our Savior and our King.
In every heart, in every home, let His pure light shine bright,
For Jesus is the reason we celebrate this night.
True Christmas Light
Amidst the tinsel and the bows, the holly and the pine,
Remember Jesus, born this day, a love so pure, divine.
In every song, in every prayer, His presence we recall,
Don’t forget the sacred gift, the greatest one of all.
Through all the joy and all the fun, let’s hold His story near,
For Jesus is the heart of Christmas, every day of the year.
Remember His Light
In the hustle of the season’s cheer,
Don’t forget Jesus, always near.
His love, the reason we celebrate,
The gift of grace, so pure and great.
Amidst the gifts and festive songs,
Remember Him, where love belongs.
For in His birth, our hope renewed,
In every heart, His love pursued.
The star that shone so bright above,
Guides us still with endless love.
In every prayer, in every deed,
His presence there, our souls to lead.
So in this season, take a pause,
Reflect on Him, the holy cause.
His sacrifice, His love so deep,
A promise that we all can keep.
Don’t forget Jesus, His light so pure,
In His embrace, we are secure.
For in His love, we find our way,
Through every night and every day.