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Beautiful Love Poems


On your busiest days, have you ever stopped to think and appreciate how wonderful it is to be happy — to be happy in love and be with the special person you’ve always wanted to share your life with?

So, whether you get to spend all day, a few hours, or minutes with the person you love — always let them know how much you feel and care for them.

Write to him words of love. Let each word reach his heart and soul — write those words like it is the first time you ever loved.

Check out this poem here at 1Love Poems, use it as an inspiration for your writing.

Author: Denise Potter

With you
Each and everyday is a bonus –
Whether it be for one moment,
One day or a million moments.
Being with you makes me
Feel new and bright.
Being able to be just us.
With you we both create
A wealth of warmth
Rising from our hearts.
A happy atmosphere of love.
Each and everyday is a bonus.
I feel lucky and alive.
You fill me with youth
And masses and masses of
Tender loving care.
I treasure every moment with you.
Thank you for coming into my life.

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