Welcome to our collection of poems that compare youth and old age. Through the beauty of poetry, we explore the contrasting experiences of vibrant youth and the wisdom that comes with age. Join us on a journey as we delve into the complexities of life’s different stages, celebrating the energy of youth while honoring the depth of experience that comes with old age. Explore the poems that compare love and hate or poems that compare hope and despair for more thought-provoking contrasts. Let these poems inspire you to reflect on the passage of time and the beauty of each stage of life.
Spring and Autumn:
Youth is spring, fresh and bright,
Old age autumn, a gentle twilight.
One blooms with vigor and dream,
The other reflects with a mellow gleam.
Fountain and Stream:
Youth is a fountain, sprightly and clear,
Old age a stream, serene and dear.
One rushes forward, eager to grow,
The other meanders, steady and slow.
Bud and Bloom:
Youth is a bud, ready to burst,
Old age a bloom, quenched of thirst.
One seeks new heights, reaching the sky,
The other finds peace, a contented sigh.
Blossom and Wisdom:
Youth is a blossom, fresh and new,
Old age is wisdom, a seasoned view.
One bursts forth in radiant spring,
The other reflects, a sage king.
In their dance, life’s circle complete,
Each stage unique, bittersweet.
Vigor and Experience:
Youth is vigor, a fiery spark,
Old age is experience, a deep mark.
One explores with boundless zest,
The other knows, life’s true test.
Together they write life’s tale,
From morning’s light to evening’s pale.
Seasons of Life:
Youth, a spring with blossoms bright,
Old age, autumn’s fading light.
Youth with vigor, dreams untold,
Old age, wisdom’s gentle hold.
Youth explores with restless feet,
Old age finds calm in life’s repeat.
Both together, life complete,
In their flow, time’s heartbeat.