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Poems About Growing Up

Short Poems About Growing Up


  1. Growing up is hard to do It’s a journey, not a race We make mistakes, we learn and grow And find our own place in this world
  2. Growing up is a process Of becoming who we’re meant to be It takes time and effort But it’s worth it, you’ll see
  3. Childhood passes by so fast We grow and change with every year But the memories we make will last And shape the people we hold dear
  4. Growing up is a journey Of discovery and growth We find our passions and our dreams And pave the path we’ll go
  5. As we grow and mature We learn and we grow wise We find our place in this world And our own unique skies


Long Poems About Growing Up


Poem 1

Growing up is a funny thing We start out small and full of glee But as the years go by and we mature We begin to see the world differently

We learn about life and love and loss We make mistakes and learn from them We find our passions and our dreams And we start to shape our own world

We face challenges and overcome them We find our own path and follow it We grow and change, and sometimes it hurts But it’s all part of the journey

Growing up is not easy, but it’s worth it It helps us become the person we’re meant to be So embrace it and enjoy the ride And don’t be afraid to be yourself


Poem 2

Growing up is a process, a journey One that takes us from childhood to adulthood It’s full of ups and downs, twists and turns But it’s a journey we all must take

We start out small, innocent and naive But as we grow, we learn and we change We make mistakes, we fall and we rise We find our own place in this world

We discover who we are and what we want We find our passions and our dreams We shape our own path and follow it We become the person we’re meant to be

Growing up is not always easy But it’s a journey worth taking So embrace it, enjoy the ride And don’t be afraid to be yourself


Poem 3

Growing up is a journey of discovery One that takes us from childhood to adulthood It’s full of twists and turns, ups and downs But it’s a journey we all must take

We start out small and full of wonder But as we grow, we learn and we change We make mistakes and we grow wise We find our own place in this world

We discover who we are and what we want We find our passions and our dreams We shape our own path and follow it We become the person we’re meant to be

Growing up is not always easy But it’s a journey worth taking So embrace it, enjoy the ride And don’t be afraid to be yourself


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